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Elections, from the Kremlin to Orban to the US and the United Kingdom: international reactions to the victory of the center-right

“We are looking forward to work with any government that comes out of the Italian elections to advance our common values ​​». From the US comes the first comment on the Italian political elections which saw the center-right coalition obtain a clear victory at the polls. State Department spokesman Ned Price declared cooperation intentions in response to a question from Handle in the daily meeting with journalists. “Italy and the US are close allies and boast 160-year diplomatic relations”, Price continued, “and we want to thank the outgoing Italian premier Mario Draghi for his strong and visionary leadership in a difficult time for Italian, European and world history. “. The praise to Mario Draghi continued: “We also thank him for his dedication to the values ​​that our countries have shared for so long”. Comments on the world continue to arrive Italian election day of 25 September. Even the new premier of the United Kingdom Liz Truss, who has chosen to speak directly to the leader of the Brothers of Italy: “Congratulations to Giorgia Meloni for the success of her party in the Italian elections,” he wrote in a tweet. “By supporting Ukraine, the United Kingdom and Italy are close allies in facing global economic challenges.”
From Russia to China, welcome to the new government
It’s been a few hours since Brothers of Italy it was crowned the country’s first party by voters, but geopolitical issues are already knocking at the door. From the conflict in Ukraine tensions a Taiwan, the next government will be called upon to make important decisions that will have consequences on the country’s economy and international relations. From the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, said: “We are ready to welcome any political force capable of showing itself. more constructive in relations with Russia “. The first welcome by a great power to the new executive, however, came from Beijingwhich did not fail to highlight i contact points that have been created in recent years. China and Italy «are global strategic partnersSaid the spokesman for the Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi, “The healthy and stable development of bilateral relations is in the interest of both sides”. For this reason, the ministry continues, “we hope that the new Italian government will continue to adhere to one positive and pragmatic policy against the China, collaborating and supporting the spirit of respect and mutual trust ». A few days ago Giorgia Meloni, the undisputed winner of the elections and main candidate for the next Prime Minister, defined Beijing’s conduct towards Taipei in an interview given to Cna. Words that have not gone unnoticed and for this reason the invitation to recognize comes from China “the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue “, avoiding sending”wrong signalsTo the secessionist forces.
OECD: “Happy to work with the new government”
On the other hand, the reaction of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is more cautious. “Let’s wait the formation of the new government, ”said the secretary general Mathias Cormann: «When we have a new government in Italy we will be happy to work with them to have policies aimed at a better life ». In this case, the reference is to the conflict in Ukraine which is forcing the European Union and other OECD members to face both energy and economic crises. «In the current context it is worth having a strong one long-term solidarity in Europe, ”stressed Cormann.
“Bravo, Giorgia!”
Returning to Europe, the European Commission reiterates: “We never comment the outcome of the national elections. President von der Leyen works with all governments that come out of the polls ». Then, also from Brussels, the wish for a “constructive collaboration” arrives, waiting for a government that “has yet to be formed”. Among the member countries, however, a post published by the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stands out. A photo that shows him sitting on the steps next to Meloni and above them the writing: “Bravo, Giorgia!“. The premier in the past few hours sent a letter to the leaders of the Italian center-right: “I look forward to our future collaboration – he wrote – to preserve peace in our countries and in Europe, to restart the European economy and to alleviate the crisis energy “.
The cold reaction from the EU leaders is accompanied by a warmer comment coming from overseas, where US Secretary of State Antony Blinken he tweeted: «After yesterday’s Italian elections, we are eager to work with the Italian government on our shared goals: to support a free and independent Ukraine, respect human rights and build a sustainable economic future. Italy is a fundamental ally, a strong democracy and a precious partner“.
In the past few hours, the messages of the various European leaders and parties have followed one another, first of all the one led by Marine Le Pen. Your MEP, Jordan Bardellawrote on Twitter how these results «gave a lesson of humility to the European Union “. There was no shortage of compliments from the Polish premier Mateusz Morawieckiand not even from Voxthe Spanish ultra-right party led by Santiago Abascal. The Foreign Minister, on the other hand, is more pessimistic José Manuel Albares: «In times of uncertainty, populisms grow and always end in the same way, with a catastrophe“.
“A shadow on the European project”
Among those who leaked less enthusiasm there is definitely the Cnn, among the first foreign news sites to give the news of the victory of FdI, entitled: “Meloni will be the Prime Minister to the right since the time of Mussolini”. Interpretation then taken up, among others, also by the German Tagesspiegel and French Le Figaro. Le Mondeinstead, he dedicates an editorial to Meloni entitled: «After the victory of the far right in Italy, a shadow on the European project», describing it as a threat also considering the recent success of the Swedish Democrats and the National Assembly in the legislative elections. Right from France, the first minister Elisabeth Borne he assured that they will be more attentive to the “respect” of gods human rights and abortion in Italy. Concern shared by the former socialist president, François Hollandewhich states: “The victory of the far right in Italy is both a threat to fundamental rights and a risk of paralysis for Europe.”
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