Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeUS GovernmentGovernment COVID con gave us a million American caskets

Government COVID con gave us a million American caskets

The Wall Street Journal’s COVID bombshell exposes how federal agencies carried out the biggest scientific con of the century.
From the very start of the COVID pandemic in America, federal bureaucrats and politicians rushed to suppress evidence that the pandemic originated from a Chinese government lab bankrolled by US government agencies.
In 2021, key Biden administration officials effectively exonerated the Chinese government, even though Beijing had completely stonewalled any outside investigation into the origin of the COVID-19 virus.
The FBI’s top expert concluded that the virus leaked from the lab — but he was side-railed by the Biden administration, blocked from presenting evidence at a key White House meeting in August 2021. Three scientists at the National Center for Medical Intelligence, part of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency, also concluded that COVID leaked from a lab, but they were muzzled. The inspector general is conducting an investigation to determine why those experts were silenced.
Bribery testimony
The Department of Energy also concluded that COVID originated in a lab. In September 2023, a senior CIA analyst told a congressional committee that six key CIA analysts had been bribed by the agency to abandon their conclusion that COVID originated in a lab leak.
Since 2021, there has been speculations that COVID-19 originated from a Lab in Wuhan, China. RETAMAL / AFP) (Photo by HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP
The COVID coverup was propelled when two dozen scientists announced in February 2020 that any suggestion that the virus originated in a Chinese lab was a “conspiracy theory.”
The US State Department’s Global Engagement Center claimed suggestions of a lab leak were “Russian disinformation” — shades of Hunter Biden’s laptop!
GEC condemned social media companies for failing to totally suppress any suggestions that COVID-19 originated in a lab.
Even references to “research conducted at the Wuhan Institute” supposedly justified banishment from social media. The State Department bizarrely sent Twitter a list of 250,000 accounts it wanted suppressed, including American journalists.
Scorning a prohibition imposed by the Obama administration, the National Institutes of Health had been financing reckless “gain-of-function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. That type of research seeks to genetically alter organisms to enable the spread of viruses into new species.
But as MIT professor Kevin Esvelt asked in 2021, “Why is anyone trying to teach the world how to make viruses that could kill millions of people?” The risks were compounded because the Wuhan Institute had a very poor safety rating, according to the State Department.
Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical advisor, justified COVID mandates because average citizens “don’t have the ability” to determine what is best for them. Congressional investigations revealed that Fauci was at the center of string-pulling to shirk responsibility for the Wuhan debacle.
After Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) suggested prosecuting Fauci for false testimony on bankrolling gain-of-function research, Fauci howled that his critics are “really criticizing science because I represent science. That’s dangerous.”
Misplaced power
But not nearly as dangerous as vesting vast power in secretive federal agencies. “Government knows best” was the storyline sanctifying every heavy-handed decree that politicians imposed
during the pandemic. If COVID-19 had been initially recognized as the result of one of the biggest government boondoggles in history, politicians never could have pirouetted as saviors as they seized sway over daily life.
Instead of Tony Fauci bobbleheads, perhaps we would have seen the slogan “Your Government at Work” superimposed atop an image of a million American caskets.

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