Karen McDougal, a former Playboy Playmate, made a suggestive statement on social media that seemed to be aimed at former President Donald Trump. McDougal, who previously claimed to have had an affair with Donald, subtly called him out just hours before he appeared in court for another day in his hush money trial. The post, shared on Sunday, featured McDougal soaking in a bubble bath, with her legs visible, and a glass of wine on a tray beside Ronan Farrow’s book Catch and Kill. As per Radar Online’s report, she may testify about her relationship with Donald in the ongoing trial.
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Steven Hirsch
Farrow’s best-selling book detailed the practices of tabloid newspapers in suppressing negative stories about celebrities, a tactic known as ‘catch and kill’. American Media Inc., the owner of The National Enquirer, has been implicated in assisting Donald with various catch-and-kill operations over the years. McDougal, who American Media Inc. allegedly paid $150,000 to acquire the rights to her story about the purported affair with Donald, never saw her story published. Instead, she was offered a job at one of the company’s magazines. On her X account, McDougal typically writes about Jesus or sports and has not mentioned Donald for over a year, according to the Daily Mail.
In November 2016, sources close to McDougal alleged that she had engaged in an affair with Donald from 2006 to 2007, lasting approximately 10 months. McDougal later confirmed this account during an interview with Anderson Cooper. She stated that she met Donald in June 2006 at a pool party held at the Playboy Mansion. At the time, Donald, aged 60, had then recently married Melania Trump and also had a son, Barron Trump. McDougal claimed that after their initial sexual encounter, Donald attempted to give her money and that she visited him many times throughout their relationship.
Trump went on a rampage against various enemies during an early morning rant before he headed to court. https://t.co/DNEd7AP5be — Radar Online (@radar_online) May 6, 2024
According to the former model, she first met Donald back when he was hosting Celebrity Apprentice, at a pool party by Hugh Hefner at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles. McDougal made an impression on the future president by wearing a see-through dress over her swimsuit, which caught his attention. She said,