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With Tesla shares now down ~51 percent from their all-time high closing price of $479.86, reached on December 17, 2024, investors and analysts alike have been ferociously pondering over the question: what price level will mark Tesla’s nadir? Now, according to one Tesla expert, the stock hit rock bottom last week.
I continue to believe $TSLA bottomed last week. The reduction in TSLA 1Q and FY’25 deliv ests is likely now discounted. Most investors realize that the absence of new refreshed Model Ys was the major reason for the 1Q delivery estimate decline rather than Elon’s politics and… — Gary Black (@garyblack00) March 18, 2025
To wit, Future Fund’s Gary Black believes Tesla shares hit their cyclical nadir last week, citing Bloomberg’s compilation of credit card data to note that Tesla’s US sales have not actually deviated from their historical pattern despite the brouhaha over Elon Musk’s overt political role in the Trump administration 2.0 and ensuing claims of significant brand damage.
Ouch! JP Morgan expects $TSLA to report its worst quarterly deliveries in three years: “We struggle to think of anything analogous in the history of the automotive industry, in which a brand has lost so much value so quickly.